Sweet February

December is not the only month for ginger bread house cookies. 
They make a sweet valentine house on a mug of coco with a side of Peeps valentine hearts.  

With the help of my niece we used the Fancy Flours Ginger Bread house cookie cuter.

And the house is not complete without a ginger bread person.  
But where do you find a micro ginger bread person?  My sweet niece came up with this one.  
For our ginger bread person we used a Fox Run  3690 Micro Shapes Cookie Cutter Set like this one found on Amazon.  
We used the club shaped cookie cutter. 
To our delight it worked great!

For the legs all we had to do was make a micro cut at the bottom. 

We iced our valentines with Royal Icing along with red and pink sprinkles from Sweet Tooth Fairy .  

To package up our treats we used 
They worked perfect to sit on the top of the mug with the coco in side. 
The bags were just the right size for the houses. 

My niece finished with practicing her calligraphy on a gift tag to tie it all together. 

May you all have a sweet day!


Flipping Thanksgiving leftovers!

Here's to another Thanksgiving holiday, hope yours was a wonderful one too.  I don't know about you, but we always have leftovers th...