Dinner with Mr. Turkey

Here's a sweet little bird you can set next to your thanksgiving day plates.  

What you'll need:
Wilton Candy eye's
Ghirardelli Chocolate squares
Pepperidge Farms Signatures Chocolate Medallion cookies
Lindt Lindor Chocolate Truffles
 Brach's Candy Corn
Whoppers Malted Milk Balls
Chocolate for melting

Melt some chocolate for attaching you bird to the base.  Take a food safe paint brush and dip the end in you melted chocolate and adhere you truffle to your base, let stand for the chocolate to set.
Now do the same for your malted ball heads and candy eyes, let stand for the chocolate to set.
Cut the tip off a candy corn and adhere to the face for the beak.   
Dipping the small ends of your candy corn in the melted chocolate and a fix them to the back end 
of your bird. Let stand for the chocolate to set.
Last, using a darker chocolate brush on wings and let set.  

Now your ready to set the table.

"Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting."

 Author: Unknown

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